Friday, January 30, 2009

Even When It's Oozy and Creepy, Progress is Still Progress

Well, it's official-- Michael Steele, former lieutenant governor of Maryland, is the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee.

And like any politician, Dem or GOP, he comes with his own weirdness:

His 2006 Senatorial Campaign. Note that he was indeed running Republican; perhaps this was just a misprint from the printers...?

THEN he was caught hiring homeless men from Philly to pass out misleading literature to the black denizens of his district:

Then there's that shit went down in Compton:

(AP) Republican Senate candidate Michael Steele on
Wednesday called President Bush his "homeboy," reversed course on having the
president campaign for him and said he was joking when he described his
Republican affiliation as a scarlet letter.

But my personal favorite is that Mike Tyson was married to his step-sister. That doesn't mean shit, really, I just found it fascinating.

But I'm a little crushed. I was so rooting for Sarah Palin.

Then again, maybe this obscenely transparent ploy will actually work out for the Rethugs. Maybe Steele can bring in more diversity, more moderates. Maybe the Dems aren't the only party experiencing change...

AH! GOTCHA! Dude, seriously?

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