Sorry folks, went away there for a while. You know how it is when you first start a blog-- or
start your first blog, as I have. And in the beginning, you're all
gung ho and ready to go like Rick Warren at a Prop 8 fundraiser, but then see
something shiny and sparkly and sort of wander off...
So much weirdness has passed since my last post, but I'll try to sum it up best I can with absolutely NO research and in no coherent order:
Stimulus Package Passed
Ledbetter Act signed into law
Republicans think Obama is
poopy and not good
Obamas go to Europe and hand out
masturbation candy to last for months
(and they TOTALLY DID IT in Air Force One)
Everyone likes Obama, but not his
bank bailout plan (including me)
North Carolina beat Michigan State (dammit)
The GOP continued its descent into madness and oblivion
Bachman has become the "Mirror Mirror" version of Madame
deFargeGlenn Beck is a mental patient masquerading as a comedian
Bill Clinton has been strangely quiet
Watchmen was really fucking good
Palin is still an asshole
AK Muckraker from the fabulous Alaskan political blog Mudflats was outed by a
pissy local journalist, but is still writing (Thank Dog)
Favre is actually retiring for real this time
Slumdog Millionaire won Best Movie at the Oscars
Some celebrities died
Um...yeah, that's pretty much it. If you have anything to add, please feel free.
PS: Shout out to my homeboy The Shat with the Trek reference.