Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Loses Only Chance To Legally Own Black Men

Friday, September 11, 2009

I am Living Proof That Glenn Beck Raped and Killed Me in 1990

I mean, what more evidence does a person need??? I am living, breathing, and still currently menstruating (for now) proof that Glenn Beck raped and murdered me in 1990!

Why will Glenn not come forward and DENY this allegation? What is he hiding? In fact, I have documentation from Kenya citing he is NOT denying he raped and killed me in 1990. Thanks, Orly!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Senator Ted Kennedy died in his home last night, August 25 2009, at the age of 77 from a year-long battle with brain cancer.

The Irish Lion of the Senate is gone. In respect, I'm going to let someone else say the things I wish I had the eloquence to say.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Just got my new Watchmen DVD from Amazon, and spent the last 2 nights (yes, 2) watching it. My review:


The DVD is the Director's Cut, where Zack Snyder added 24 minutes that had been cut from the theatrical version. In most cases, I find scenes picked up from the cutting room floor and re-added to be unnecessary-- there was a reason they were cut, right?

But this is not the case for WATCHMEN. We get to see Hollis's murder (VERY brutal), more of the developing relationship between Dan/Niteowl and Laurie/Silk Spectre II, more Comedian, more Rorshach, more everything. And in this case, more is MOORE.

I cannot possibly know what Alan Moore may have thought of the film version of his vision, but I am hoping he is pleased. There were rumors that he was not happy with V for Vendetta (neither was I-- Natalie Portman was hopelessly miscast), and let's NOT EVEN talk about League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (I think I just threw up a little in my mouth).

But the WATCHMEN crew knew what the stakes were in filming the unfilmable, and handled it with profound reverance and genuine artistry. And I may be the ONLY person alive who actually LIKED Malin Ackerman's performance as Laurie. As a fan of the graphic novel, I thought she nailed Laurie-- obtuse, a little angry, humorless, yet vulnerable and lonely, and DEFINITELY her father's daughter.

WATCHMEN is what Superman Returns SHOULD have been, a labor of love AND utmost respect for the genius that created it.

We're Even Now. K?

So the Nutter Brigade has found a hero/victim (to them, it's pretty much the same thing) in Kenneth Gladney, the black conservative who allegedly suffered a "savage beating" at the hands of SEIU "thugs" in St. Louis this past weekend. Oh, what screaming and lace-renting and hair-pulling we have had to endure from the Neo-Confederates on this one.

Well, it seems we get our chance to return the favor:

Yup, that's William Kostric, the NRA-lovin' gun-totin' freedom (fry) fighter who thought it was a good idea to show up to a presidential event with a GUN.

Now, in defense of Mr. Kostric (egads), there are some facts that we need to be aware of. He had a permit for the gun, it was NOT concealed and, according to New Hampshire firearms law, he could carry it as long as he was on private property with the landowner's permission, which he was and had. Now with that being said...

WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING, DUDE??????? Answer: "I'ze gonna get meze on dat dere TV!"

Mission accomplished (snick). Kostric ended up on Hardball, where he endured a rousing verbal spanky from Tweety himself.

Needless to say, the lefty blogosphere is burning up about this, just as the righty blogosphere is about Gladney. So, in my eyes, that makes all of us even.

Now can I have health care, please?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"You Can Pry My Charmin OUTTA MY COLD DEAD HAND!"

It's offical, folks. We're on our way to Socialist Hell.

From Talking Points Memo:

Town Haller Envisions Future With Toilet Paper Rationing
By Rachel Slajda - August 11, 2009, 11:53AM

A town hall attendee who told Sen. Arlen Specer (D-PA) that she doesn't want to see America turn into Russia appeared on Fox News after the event and offered her chilling view of the country's future:

I know that years down the road, I don't want my children coming to me and asking me, 'Mom, why didn't you do anything? Why do we have to wait in line for, I don't know, toilet paper or anything?' I don't want to have to tell them I didn't do anything. As a normal citizen, the most I feel like I can do is come to this town hall meeting.
"The country is slowly being ripped apart," said Katy Abram, who identified herself as someone who didn't care about politics until the last few years. "It scares the life out of me."

Abram was one of 30 people selected to ask a question to Specter. When she got up, she said, in part, "It's not about health care ... It's about the systematic dismantling of this country ... I don't want this country turning into Russia, turning into a socialized country. I want to restore this country to what it was under the Constitution."

Yes, this is a sad day, indeed, when we as Ameerikans will have to stand in line for our cloudy-cottony-ass softness, while Comrade Obama passes out "government-issued" toilet paper:

BTW, it's Cuba with the TP shortage, not Russia. And neither is a socialist country.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Son of "If It Starts with 'C' and Rhymes with 'Runt'..." The SEQUEL

Ah, Wasilla Peron strikes again:

After "Death Panel" Claim, Palin Now Calls For Civility

In a Facebook posting on Friday, Palin lashed out a scenario "in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care."

Um...ya know, I can't even begin to come up with an iota of snark that could possibly make that statement even more ridiculous and insidious. So I'll just let Sarah do it:

Now, in her latest Facebook entry, Palin seems to be wanting to change the subject.

She writes:
There are many disturbing details in the current bill that Washington is trying to rush through Congress, but we must stick to a discussion of the issues and not get sidetracked by tactics that can be accused of leading to intimidation or harassment. Such tactics diminish our nation's civil discourse which we need now more than ever because the fine print in this outrageous health care proposal must be understood clearly and not get lost in conscientious voters' passion to want to make elected officials hear what we are saying. Let's not give the proponents of nationalized health care any reason to criticize us.

Let the pimp-slapping begin.